Food Safety

Food Safety with certisys

CERTISYS offers you 3 certifications in food safety and animal welfare depending on your production activity.

The FASFC self-checking guide G-040 for the primary production the Vegaplan and the CoDiPlan specifications are only applicable in Belgium and meet the requirements for the safety of the food chain.

In Belgium, all operators active in the food chain are legally obliged to have a self-checking system. Self-checking is the set of measures taken to ensure that the products meet the regulatory requirements relating to:

  • Food safety,
  • Product quality for which the FASFC is competent,
  • Traceability at all stages of production, processing and distribution.
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The validation of this system by a certification body such as CERTISYS is not compulsory, but offers several advantages:

  • A decrease in the frequency of your inspections by the FASFC (Federal Agency for Food Safety);
  • A reduction of your annual contribution to the FASFC

FASFC Self-checking Guide G-040 – Primary production

This guide is intended for farmers active in primary plant and animal production.  It contains the requirements relating to the safety of the food chain, animal health and traceability that fall within the competence of the FASFC in the primary production.

This sector guide consists of four modules:

  • Module A: Primary Plant Production
  • Module C: Primary Animal Production
  • Module D: Non-Edible Horticultural Production (not certified bu Certisys)
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The Vegaplan Standard is intended for farmers involved in primary vegetable production. The standard includes all the legal requirements for food safety and additional requirements for product safety, traceability and product quality in the food chain. The standard also includes requirements relating to sustainability and includes the legal requirements for integrated pest management. It is applicable to all crops (except non-edible horticultural and decorative crops).

This certification is proof that you comply with:

  • The legal requirements of the FASFC on self-checking, mandatory notification and traceability in the food chain. This means that you benefit from a significant reduction in your annual contribution to the FASFC and are subject to fewer inspections;
  • Regional requirements for the sustainable use of pesticides and the implementation of Integrated Pest Management Control;
  • The criteria that define the quality imposed by the buyers (auctions, trade and processing industries);
  • A significant number of measures related to cross-compliance that define access to Common Agricultural Policy support;
  • Sustainability expectations, including for biofuel crops.

If you are already certified organic, you will find it easier to obtain Vegaplan certification. Many of the principles are indeed similar to the specifications of organic agriculture (EU) and are based on the same values: sustainability, integrated control, traceability, quality.



Codiplan standard: G-040 – Animal production

This standard is intended for farmers active in primary animal production. It includes the requirements relating to the safety of the food chain, animal health and traceability that fall within the competence of the FASFC in the primary production sector.

The Codiplan standard guarantees :

  • Food safety
  • Traceability and quality of animal raw materials
  • The purchase of safe products produced in accordance with the legal requirements concerning production conditions, disease control and animal welfare

The Codiplan standard facilitates market access, improves farm performance and is a recognition of the quality of livestock products.

The guide is based on self-checking. The farmer can use it to check that his farm complies.