European Organic Day on 23 September!
A day dedicated to highlighting organic initiatives in Europe
Officially launched on 23 September 2021 by the European Parliament, the Commission and the Council of the European Union, #EU ORGANIC DAY has been established to celebrate the organic sector and assess Europe’s progress towards its ambitious target of 25% of land devoted to organic farming by 2030.
This day is an opportunity to make the general public and the supply chain more aware of the many benefits of organic farming and to look again at the reasons for going into organic production. It follows on from the action plan adopted by the Commission on 25 March 2021 to stimulate organic production and consumer demand for organic products,
The target of 25% of utilised agricultural area (UAA) by 2030 represents a real challenge, given that the latest figures (FiBl 2021) put the percentage of land in organic farming in the European Union at 9.6%. r the importance, ,
“The target of 25% of utilised agricultural area (UAA) by 2030 represents a real challenge”
IFOAM Organics Europe has therefore launched a Europe-wide appeal to organise initiatives for this #EU ORGANIC DAY to which it will give visibility . As last year, the EU Organic Awards will be presented to European players who are making a major contribution to the development of the organic farming value chain. 8 awards will be presented in 7 different categories. The Awards ceremony will be held in Brussels on 25 September.
You can find all the information you need on the IFOAM Organics Europe website.
Here is an overview of activities planned to date in Europe

In Belgium, you can find :
- Open House at the Organic House (by invitation)
- Zottegem : Biodynamic BD-zomerschool = >
For the 7ième th time, BD Zomerschool is organising a meeting at De Kollebloem farm for young farmers who want to work according to the principles of biodynamic agriculture on their farms.
Date: 23 September 2023 – 24 September 2023 // 09:30 – 15:30
Find out more here: https://www.bioforum.be/agenda/bd-zomerschool
- Brussels : Eu Organic Awards : 25 September 2023
Date : 23 septembre 2023 – 24 septembre 2023 // 09:30 – 15:30
Toutes les infos ici : https://www.bioforum.be/agenda/bd-zomerschool
- Brussels : Eu Organic Awards : 25 septembre 2023
As a little Belgian cheer, last year it was Ferme à l’Arbre de Liège, a Certisys-certified operator, that won the award for Best Retailer!
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On 23 September, let’s all celebrate organic farming by sharing as many of the initiatives we see on the networks as we can!
(nb: feel free to tag @OrganicsEurope and use #EUOrganicDay & #OrganicEU)